Journey with Shame

I have recently been on a journey with God that has been quite amazing, as He is. His desire, to draw me closer to Him through struggles. He has brought to attention the ways I grasp and hold shame. From single incidences years ago. He faithfully revealed, as I asked, those events that I held onto the shame. The purpose, going back and giving compassion, having emotion for those moments I was not able to as a child. Ways I just pushed forward, ways I did not allow myself to feel, for it was very painful. Now as an adult becoming healthier with His guidance, I can return to those incidences and feel. I can stay in the revisited pain, with Him. Not running away, or moving forward. It will not destroy me. But I can sit with Him and have compassion for who I was, for who I am today as a result , as He comforts my soul. We have choices whether to take hold of shame when it is brought to us. I can choose not to carry it. It is Christ who came to carry that burden. So, I shake off those chains to shame. I leave them unanswered. Releasing me from them. I choose to believe I am a child of God beloved by Him, even in the imperfection, as He graciously, patiently changes my heart to be more like Him.

Professing Week


This is the week
That professes
Our faith

The week
That profoundly
Changed man’s destiny

If he chooses to believe

The week
Where those against His form
Thought they could control
The outcome

Unbeknownst to them
God meant it for good

The solution for
Man’s separation
From the Holy One

The chasm created

Because of his sin

Jesus Christ
The Perfect One
Died at their hands
Yet was part of God’s Sovereign plan

Shedding His blood
To pay the price

Once and for all
No longer a need
For endless sacrifices

Now that life giving blood
Of the sinless One bled

Redeeming man’s soul
To be present
With Him

Causing such delight
In the Father’s heart
Jesus sits at His right
Over all creation

Reveling in His Glory


The sun lapped
The ocean
With its glorious tongue
Giving a mighty grin

As it rose
Between the blankets
A pillowy sheet of heaven
And the earth its sandy bed

It warmed the hearts of many
Having a foretaste
Of what is to come

For on this day
A Savior was born
The Son of the Most High
Bringing Love, Hope and Faith

Being among His people
Redeeming hearts
Causing the dead to rise
Bursting forth great Joy

Returning to the Father
At the hands
Of those who hated with
Pride, fear and protection

One day coming back
Riding on puffy clouds
As foretold
Calling those known
To greet Him in the sky

To live eternally
At the foot of His bed
Praising His Name
Reveling in His glory
Bowing their head
Forevermore,  Amen



My mind awhirl
With thoughts
Elucidating the whorl
God sought

His perspective
Being perceptive

As I rested
In solitude
It cultivated zest
Reshaping my attitude

To gratitude

The burden not mine
To contend
Not to resign
But to transcend

The delights
Of relationship
As my life He rewrites
Redeeming it to equip

For transfiguring
His Ownership

Cherished Shepherd


I see the weakness of who I am
But He uses it in His plan

The ways I come short
He configures for His bourn

The weight of my transgressions
My emotions full of expression

The Savior came for this day
Removing the affects, my sins He prepaid

I will not be complete
In this life, guaranteed

My sin will continue
Faithful, He will rescue

Redeeming my faults
For something greater, for Him it exalts

Accepting who I am
For He has a perfect plan

Resting in His loving arms, as I am
He is my cherished Shepherd, as I am His precious lamb



Learn to be content
To be satisfied in the moment

Whatever the power of God desires
Hand Him the reins to mold your life

Do not question
The future’s expression

But reside in the present
Where He desires your presence

Not contemplating future events
For fear of relationships discontent

Protecting  your heart
Preparing for that possible dart

Nor in the past
For He will redeem what has amassed

His grace is plenty
His sacrifice done already

Fear and protection comes naturally
Lean on the Lord as He will give supernaturally

Producing contentment as a by product
This is for your profit

Resting in His Life
Producing a life in Christ

Redemptive Cistern


I come for profound solitude
Away from the swirling world
My thoughts falling to the ground
I let them flourish
For a bit
Greeting their meaning
Then I quiet the coffers
The treasures
Of my desires
By choice

As I want to hear
From Him
The longer I sit
The more focused I become
Desiring to be used

For Him to work redemptively
In another’s life
Through this vessel
A cracked cistern
Shining His Light

Grateful for how
He redeems souls
Nothing wasted
Stories of the past
Used for His glory
How amazing He is
Weaving stories together
Clearing the clutter
Using for good

He is Magnificent
He is Love
He is my Savior
Jesus Christ

Hesitant to Reveal


Where do I hide
In the crevices of my mind?
Hesitant to reveal
The darkness with zeal

In the corners of my heart
Do I pierce the dark?
Allowing His penetrating Light
To turn me upright

What emotions do I indulge?
That I am fearful to divulge

In fellowshiping with Him

He unveils my shame
Desiring to claim my name
Having wrought with God
Struggling to expose my facade

His desire is to Redeem
His Truth is Supreme
Forgiving our deeds
His Graces frees

He longs for us to be His own
Even tho we are deeply known
What an amazing love!
Precious to my heart, He is my Beloved

Jesus cleanses our sin
Removing the guilt within
Thankful for His heart
Leading me away from the dark