Pilgrimage to Jerusalem

I feel the emotion

Caught in my throat,

The tears welling,

Is it true? I am going to Jerusalem?

The reverence I feel

As I face

His birthing place,

To walk Holy ground

What will I feel?

How will it change me?

To walk where Jesus walked?

The ground where He lay

The place He prayed,

The hill He took on

All of time’s sin,

Making a way

For me to be with Him,

His Love so Grand,

To be where blood stained ground

Represents His love for me,

The anguish real

His heart to do as God planned,

To be baptized in the place

Where the Spirit, as a Dove

Affirmed who He was,

Is it true I am going to Jerusalem?

What will it feel like?

To have tears of love

His joy revealed

To be where He stood

Final Destination

As I sit in scripture

Gleaning what He has for me,

There is an exchange

That happens deep within my soul,

Expressing what is true

Me relating with Him,

Mingling with the Spirit

With what is Truth,


A soothing of the soul,

A refreshing breath,

Overcoming the tenseness

Of learning the practice

Of just being

In this life,

His Love, Light, and Resurrection

Bring me to Life!

In the quiet moments

Of my soul,

Fueled by silence and solitude

Not activity nor aggressive direction,

But a stillness and a state of being

Of being comfortable in my skin,

Regardless of hiccups or snares

On the road to His final destination

A Love Inexplicable

To grapple with

The depth of Your love,

I see how I serve

Feeds me,

To improve who I am

For the approval of others,

Not to love others well

For Your sake,

But to be loved

The way I perceive love,

But that will not ever be

For even that kind of love

Will not satisfy me,

But will create

A great thirst for You,

I try to reconcile

Why would You love with so great a love?

My deeds made good?

That still bears performance,

Can Your love just be inexplicable

A mystery beyond me?

As the waves role in

Let Your love wash over me,

No shame nor guilt

Your love abolishes those,

To sit in Your love

Frees my soul to just be,

It was written so that we might believe

The Son of God died, was buried, and rose from the grave

So we would have life in His name

To Sit in His Love

What does it mean to sit in His love?

To recognize His Holiness

As it IS,

To receive His goodness


To feel the fabric of life

Caressing our soul

Calling us towards Him

In the joys and the sorrows,

Being grateful for His provisions

Thankful for His protection,

To become childlike

Raising our arms up to Him

Saying Abba Father

I am Yours

Transcendental Truth

When the burgeoning burden

Feels overwhelmingly oppressing,

Stop and take note

Who He is,

His compassion is chivalrous

His sovereignty significant,

His love is luxurious

His goodness generous,

Reframe the burden, breakthrough

By His divine development,

Rest in His consistent care

Abide in His transcendental truth

A Precious Thing


Is a precious thing
It turns our hearts
To join Him

Changing our minds

To glorify Him
Loving others
Above ourselves

It displays His power

He hears our thoughts
Then answers as He decides
All creation conceding to His plan

His love made known

Growing us to maturity
Delivering life effervescent
As we abide in Him

Is a precious thing
It turns our hearts
To join Him

Heavenly Days


These are heavenly days

Not because the sun shines
But because His unconditional love  covers us

Not because of the pleasant breeze
But because His ways are refreshing truth

Not because of the crisp air
But because of His forgiveness that brings relief

Not because of the bird’s songs
But because we worship Him

Not because of what is today
But because He is in the day

Oh these are heavenly days
Captivating our hearts for Him