Silhouette Beauty

Silky, savory petals

Like the hand of God,

Delivering peace and lovingkindness

To those who choose to see,

Draping blooms,

Colors extraordinaire,

Like the shawl of His grace,

Covering each blade, unhinged,

Where His compassion, forever fathomless,

Follows us till the end.

Ecclesiastes Ponderings

So how do we

Put to rest

The endeavor

Of a soul?

For it will endeavor

In its pleasures,

Work, knowledge and success,

As nonstop streams

Discover boundless seas,


Our hearts,

Longing satisfaction,



Far beyond their fractions

A grievous task

Afflicted to men,

How do I

Put to rest

The endeavor

Of my soul?

It’s not something

That comes


Abiding in Him

And granting Him glory,

Even though life

Has mounting


As the union

With His Spirit,

Is more than life,

Him arranging

Delightful trysts,

Making life

A joy to be in,

All for His glory,

Faith in His wisdom

For the rest of my soul,



Praying for missionaries
Around the world

They are frontrunners
Of His call

Praying for their hearts
To be profoundly filled

By His lovingkindness

As they are in conditions
That zap the soul

Fellowship hard to find
As they reach other people groups
In outer limits

Refresh their heart
As a cool breeze

Giving life to rejuvenate others
Drawing them to the upper room
And fellowship with You



He planted the moon
He planted the stars
He even planted trees on this earth

He wanted us to be reminded
Of who He is
One who performs miraculous deeds

His character loving, giving
Grace filling

Painting skies
Calling souls to awe

Aromas delivered
Relieving tensions, uplifting

Planets and stars placed
So amazing, grander than imagined

Nature, full of life
Captivating hearts, heavenward

Holy, Holy, Holy
Is He

Nest Builder


We are nest builders

We pursue things
That give us comfort

We gather people
That support us

We pick items
That give us order

We develop events
That help us escape

How desperate we are
To quickly build

Haphazardly anything
That makes us feel better

What God has for us
Is incomparably better

If we would just

He will deliver

Nothing you might expect
But comfort you
It will

Fill that void
More than you do

He is our preeminent
Nest builder
That is lavish
With His love

Clickety Clack


Clickety clack
The sounds of the track
The rhythm of the cars
One by one
Riding the rails of life
With God
Clinging to His lovingkindness
As each stop
Calls my name
My desire
Choosing to stay on-board
But my weakness overcomes
My breath taken away
Learning each city
One by one
Roaming the streets
Yet once again
His compassion so grand
Greater than ever imagined
Calling all aboard
Turning from what
Snatched my heart
Escaping once again
Into the bosom of God
His heartbeat comforting
Reminding me of what’s good

Professing Week


This is the week
That professes
Our faith

The week
That profoundly
Changed man’s destiny

If he chooses to believe

The week
Where those against His form
Thought they could control
The outcome

Unbeknownst to them
God meant it for good

The solution for
Man’s separation
From the Holy One

The chasm created

Because of his sin

Jesus Christ
The Perfect One
Died at their hands
Yet was part of God’s Sovereign plan

Shedding His blood
To pay the price

Once and for all
No longer a need
For endless sacrifices

Now that life giving blood
Of the sinless One bled

Redeeming man’s soul
To be present
With Him

Causing such delight
In the Father’s heart
Jesus sits at His right
Over all creation