Hope in His Story

No matter where you are

In your journey,

Rest assured

He is molding you,

In the sorrow

In the disappointment

In the deep pondering places

Of who you are,

This life palpably

Far from heaven,

Hope is sure,

Carrying us forward

Knowing He has our life

In His perfect hands,

In the struggle to see

His story

Larger than our story,

Set for things beyond our sight

Summer Lessons

This summer, as most summers, taught me a profound lesson of God. Summer is typically a season of sheltering from structure and weekly gatherings of Christian women, as people take a break and focus on family vacations. And in this vacuum, I find myself wandering to my heart’s content.

I just started reading Larry Crabb’s newest book release called ” When God’s Ways Make No Sense.” He states, ” option 1 of how we respond to hardship in life, or a life not imagined, is to resist and run.” At first glance I decided that was not me, but as time moved forward, that statement nagged at me, calling me back to ponder the ways of the summer. It was me this summer.

You see life gets hard. I find myself failing, in one way or another. I put pressure on myself, I should have known better to do things differently. I then pray for relief of the deep wounds in me, in order to change me.

This is relief and run. Wanting something different than what God has ordained. I wanted a solution that made the trouble go away. What He desires, is for me to walk through those difficult places, broken, unable to hold myself up, being OK that I will fail. Not for the abuse of it, but for His glory in it, knowing He has taken my baggage, my wounds, for Him to carry.

As I lifted my head from that place, where I brought myself, I laughed, I grinned. The pressure for me to fix, for Him to change me was off. I gave Him back the baggage He carries.

Can I trust God in the struggle, to just allow what it is, to be, without expectation, without explanation? Can I walk through repentance,
asking forgiveness, giving grace, and meeting Jesus in it, feeling relief from His abundant, overwhelming love?

I will, no doubt, be at this place again in the future. The pull of analysis for fixing is too great for me. I pray that each time I am easier on myself, and more accepting of the ways that I am, as He ordained me to be. For His ways are greater than mine ever can be.


The burdens I carry

To uphold myself,

The baggage that seems to increase

As I walk this life,

Weighing heavy and laden,

The way of the flesh

Holding onto things,

Yet knowing God’s love

Covers a multitude of things,

Is knowing that enough

To carry my burdens to Him?

Can I let go of attachments

To second things?

The things that drive me to be,

Who am I, who am I to others,

Am I safe, am I fulfilled?

All driving the underpinning

Making my decisions,

I want to allow the working of His hands

To knead His ways into my heart,

To just be and be loved by Him


Did my heart really want to come and kneel at the throne of grace?

Did it avoid admittance as long as it could?

Meandering in the desert, no words to be heard, the silence deafening

But now, bowed at the altar, His grace fully received

A cleansing, a washing of the dirt,

An insight , as I see the delay

Revealing my natural state,

Broken for Him,

No lifting self up

No fixing what’s true

But remaining broken

For His love and grace to cover me


Through the disappointments in life,

In the places that we are not sure where

The weight is coming from,

There is something we must always remember,

That the heaviness revolves around our desires for our self,

The love we perceive from others,

The expectations for life that just don’t come,

The idols that we hold dear to us

That rise from life’s challenges,

In the depth of our soul

What really matters

Is the relationship with God, with Jesus,

In the pondering of

His love

His presence

His gifts of revelation

His delight in us

His desire to see us in community

His desire to use us for His glory,

Even though,

Lifts the heart

More than we can imagine,

In the crevices of the soul

Hearing Truth

Dispels the lies

Found in the disappointments of life

The Journey

In the coming and goings

Of the journey,

To the outer reaches

Of the soul,

It is necessary

To travel the barren roads

To the far off seas,

To travel back by faith,

In this journey

There is the mystery

Of who God is,

The planting of

The roots deeper

Into His soil,

Erecting fruit

Towering above all things,

In the coming and goings

Led by greater means

Your Faithfulness and Our Foraging

Your faithfulness is as steadfast

As the days grow in numbers,

Your likeness growing in us

As the Mirror reflecting who we are,

You teach in our hearts, deep in its core

As a babe newly born,

We, as lost sheep, forage in foreign lands

As You continually, gently call us back to green pastures,

Giving us a reason to lament

Like a lonely howl at midnight,

The situations may not change

But change is certainly happening,

In the Mystery of who You are,

As we sup with You

Your Presence palpable,

Ringing a Truth,

Your Presence above all things

Is what the heart truly desires to endure,

Not the change of circumstances revolving around self,

For this is the burden that crushes our souls

Shackling us to selfish things,

Your faithfulness

Teaches us to trust,

Releasing the hold on our self

To just walk under Your wing,

In the shadow of Your cool breeze,

Watching Your faithfulness and steadfastness

As we stand back to ponder,

Lifting us up to see beyond immediate things,

To enjoy Your Presence

More than the foraging in foreign lands