Ecclesiastes Ponderings

So how do we

Put to rest

The endeavor

Of a soul?

For it will endeavor

In its pleasures,

Work, knowledge and success,

As nonstop streams

Discover boundless seas,


Our hearts,

Longing satisfaction,



Far beyond their fractions

A grievous task

Afflicted to men,

How do I

Put to rest

The endeavor

Of my soul?

It’s not something

That comes


Abiding in Him

And granting Him glory,

Even though life

Has mounting


As the union

With His Spirit,

Is more than life,

Him arranging

Delightful trysts,

Making life

A joy to be in,

All for His glory,

Faith in His wisdom

For the rest of my soul,

Mysteries of Life


Can we just accept
The mysteries of life?

Allow God to do His thing
Without analyzing to the Nth degree?

Our soul pursuing
Its purpose and meaning

He will complete the work

Just delve into relationship
Getting to know Him

He will reveal in time
As we see the breadcrumbs left behind

His footprints
Instead of mine

Rest in His care
Glorifying His ways



The current
           The flow
    Hop on a float
For your antidote
      Be taken
           By His haven
Unmoved by life’s swirl
       Release yourself to unfurl
  Be carried by His current
          Deflect the serpent
          Reflect the image of Christ
For in it is Life

A Tranquil Rest


A cool breeze brushes
Against my cheek
As I sip a drink

Gently rocking to and fro
Overlooking mountain peaks
A place of peace and rest

In the palm of His hand

Why is it that I leave
This serene place?

Cleaving to my own desires
Controlling outcomes

Manipulating for pleasures
For my rugged heart

My trust is weak
In the depths of who I am

My heart scrambling
To acquire what it thinks it needs

Turning towards
The mountain peaks
Where rest is complete

Building faith
That His ways
Perfect my soul

As His grace
Permeates my soul
Emanating His tranquil rest

Reflecting Windows


As you enter the grounds
The beauty astounds
Quiesence established

Wooden picnic tables sit
Under oak umbrellas, left
Inviting satisfying rest

Spying from above
A Red Hawk
May caw

Squirrels cackle
Disrupting the chapel

As you round the corner
A gentle breeze
Captures your cares
Stealing away from snares

Mosey down the hill
Where the curator
   Tends the flowers, 
       Displaying the Creator

Petals beautifying
Colors glorifying

At the base
Benches and gazebos
For gazing the reflecting windows

Turtles, gators
Spaddock painted waters
Amazing spectators

Visualizing art projects
Rounding the bend
As we ascend

Displaying creativity
Bestowed  by Him

Now leaving the grounds
Walking the worn bridge
Traveling over the ditch

Back to the journey
Where God makes life worthy



The grayness
Seems to brush against
The hills
Ominous with their thrills

Like fears
Planted in our hearts
As tall as trees grow
We know we have no control

Yet here we are travelling
A seemingly endless path
Straight and narrow
Boundaries harrowed

But the adventure
That ensues
Is up to you
Will you follow without a clue?

Gaining the thrill
Resting in His care
As He is debonair

The Father’s Will


The Father’s will
Is to rescue
Us from this
Present age

It becomes our
As He desires
Free Love

The struggle to
Receive this gift
Our flesh
Cries out

To please

To be delivered
Our hearts look to
Please Him

Not rebuilding
What we once
Depending on the Law
To rescue

But instead looking to
His promise

The law did not
So faith is necessary
For righteousness

We as His children
Under His guardianship
Till Heaven

What He began in the Spirit
Do not perfect in the flesh

Allow Him to finish
His work
As you rest

In Abba Father’s arms
Flourishing until eternity

He Redeems


So wrapped up in myself
Like a scarf on a cold winter morn
My  countenance tells
I am worn

Striving to behave
According to the Law
But I am no longer slave
I must withdraw

Focus on Him
The exigency of relationship with the Almighty
As He underpins
And is the Author of our behaving rightly

Resting in His care
Believing He is controller of all things
Do not despair
His warmth burns within

No longer wrapped
But exposing what’s deep
My weaknesses adapt
Laying them at His feet

For He redeems



My mind quivering with thoughts
What God has done in my heart

Not me striving
But Him thriving

Fears of disobedience
Fall way as it is His diligence

I have responsibility
Only my fidelity

The relationship with Him
Above all things

Even above striving
For superiority

Just resting
In who I am

Looking to Him
For my sanctification

What joy floods
In realizing He is my Lifeblood