Adrift at Sea

The drifting of the heart

Like being lost at sea,

Every direction you look

Nothing to see,

The wilderness croaching in

Moving the heart to desperation,

To cling to something,

Anything that soothes the soul

For the moment,

To go against this tide

Is like swimming upstream,

The current strong against you

To move towards God,

The paradox that moves us closer

Is to be silent and still,

With nothing to hold on to,

Work against the desire

To run forward

Away from the sea,

Stop in that felt wilderness,

Where we taste

Who God is


The fear of the Lord

Keeps my heart at bay,

My heart shifty

Desperately hiding its deceit,

To take the risk

To show itself,

Feelings arise

The possibility of rejection,

Feelings of wanting its own way

Over being devout to God,

Even though that devotion

Would benefit me,

My will tho

Stronger than emotion,

To choose to move towards the Lord,

To truly worship Him

To strip away the flesh,

To turn towards His face,

The Light burning

The darkness away

For the moment,

Still beloved by Him

In this scandalous act

Of wavering away,

Of hiding from the truth within,

Beloved by Him,

By His Great Name

The Ache of My Heart

In traipsing along

In memories foregone,

I came upon

The wondering

Of my favorite movie,

Ne’er could I pick

Just one, But three,

Thrice together

Spoke what was hushed

In days gone by,

As I pondered their


The desires of the heart

Lept from the dark,

Delivered hence

By Jesus’ plan,

As He uncovered

And delivered Himself

Into the ache,


And being known

Such a robust delight!

The Heart in Prayer

As the heart engages

With prayer,

Can it just be

Without pretense or protection?

Allowing full disclosure

To the One coming in, one’s own Creator,

Knowing He loves

Regardless of what He sees,

As He already knows

And has great plans

Beyond your wildest dreams,

As He rolls around

In the folds of your heart,

He unveils truths

Lavishly loving

Beyond what’s cognizant

A Precious Thing


Is a precious thing
It turns our hearts
To join Him

Changing our minds

To glorify Him
Loving others
Above ourselves

It displays His power

He hears our thoughts
Then answers as He decides
All creation conceding to His plan

His love made known

Growing us to maturity
Delivering life effervescent
As we abide in Him

Is a precious thing
It turns our hearts
To join Him

Heart Shed


Let my heart shed
To be afresh with You

Let its tears cultivate
Fertile soil for Your hand
As You speak into its land

Allow its fruitfulness to bear
Witnessing of who You are
One Holy, Worthy, and Righteous

Let its ears harken
Where Truth is
In the palm of Your hand

Against the wanderings
Of its own mind

Let it find strength
Amidst Your Love