Emanating Joy


Gleaning from the muffled sounds of life

In the distance

As I walk with Christ

Peace permeates my heart

Here with me

As His Word I do not depart

Perspective is His

Filtered through His lens

Depicting what is love

Exhuming in the depths

Submerged in my soul

As His grace unravels death

Imparting a Life complete

Beholding the future

Yet presently

Emanating joy



Lord, you stopped
In my tracks

You grabbed
My heart

The day
Me deeper

Revealing You
At the center

Your purposes

My soul

My soul
You kept

How awesome
Is that!

My Lord
My God

Loving my soul
Unworthy it is

Yet loving me
As complete

A finished work
You consummate

The Spirit renders
It certified

He is



He empowers us to be
What He has called us for
Relax and allow Him to restore

As we accept who we are
We move closer to Him
Realizing the grandness
Of who He is

Looking to Him
For changes
Deep in our core

We cannot fight
The battle of striving more
Bringing mirages of changes
He alone carries that tune

Read His word
On what He speaks
To your heart

Process what it means
Be able to repeat
Carrying truths
Deep inside you

To Enter In


To enter in
We must leave behind
Fears driven
By our demands

Gird your heart
For it is weak
Failing at even
The slightest movement

Gird your heart
Be strong and courageous
His promise is kept
To enter the promised land

Gird your heart
With strength and courage
Gain from His Word
According to His Law

The promised land
Is straight ahead
Greet those fears
Then toss them to the wind

For He is with you
Every step of the way
Reminding you of His truths
Making you capable to stand

You are loved
In Him you have strength
Allow His Word
To accompany your heart

Remember His principles
Meditate their meaning
Allow them to sink deep
To mold who you are
To Christ

The promised land
Is the shadow of Christ
Living in us
Set freed from sin
To live a new life

The Grace of God
Is not done with you yet
He is faithful
Even in your faithlessness

Remember and repeat
To process
What you heard and know
For this is the way and the truth

Enter into the promised land
Rejoice at His feet
That He brings you through the wilderness



The rose petals flow
                                On the page
As velvet flows
Through fingers

Shadows of paint
       and shapes
Define the edges
Where beauty begins

     Clustered like grapes
        Blooms uninhibited
     Brush against one another

My mind imagining
Christmas red and green
Tainting its petals and leaves

A whiff of perfume
Arises in dreamy waves
Pleasing to the senses

Providing sensory
A fictitious state
To behold

The beauty of
Given by Him
The Creator of all things



I noticed how
They stood at attention
As soldiers in formation

Facing the direction
Their sustenance came from

Of the source
In nutrients for life

Posing as if worshiping

Raising their faces
To the Sun
Depending on the rays
To grow them some

Absorbing truths
Coalescing it
With their uniqueness within

Ultimately displaying
His beauty as His creation

A flower we are
Drawing others
To His beauty
As He builds us
With His declaration



When I sit with you
Your heart moves me so
Your presence

Keep the Sabbath
Your Word tells
Holy is that time
We set apart
With You

This is the place
As we are silent as mice
Your wonders become
Sculpting great treasures
As our hearts You mold

You give us commands
Then supply Your hand
Giving us rest
As You modify our hearts with zest

We are held responsible
For the decisions we make
But You are the Author of the work
You request

One decision
That gives such wisdom
Is keeping the Sabbath

A time where we stop
To honor Your place
A time for us to be shown
It is You that sanctifies
Our lives

True Yet Obedient


Be me
Yet be restrained
How do I navigate the day?
Being true to who I am
Yet obedient to His call
When I move closer to Him
I discover where that fine line is
Listening to His Voice
As He calls out my name
Leaving self behind
Becoming more like Him
Joining Him in His plan
Praising Him
As He is glorified

In His Bosom


He holds us in His bosom
As He rebuilds our lives

If we are quiet
We can feel
The rise and fall
Of His chest
Tenderly rocking
Us to sleep

His breath
Fills our day
In many different ways

If we are distressed
Striving to deduce His quest

We lose the rhythm
Of His breath
Where His bosom
Falls away

As we try to stand
Controlling our day

Be at ease
Settled in Him
Nuzzle into His bosom

Receive His gift
With an accesible heart

He cares for you
As you are precious
In His sight

Tenderly caressing you
In His bosom
As He carries you
Throughout your day



He pricks our heart
One note at a time
If you listen carefully
You will hear His song

A beautiful song deep inside
Hidden in the crevices
Of its ventricles
Until He strums it forth
Composing a love story
Between you and Him

His song in you
Evolves into a symphony
As time ticks on
He adds more strings
He knows the perfect melody
Of you

As you gain understanding
You learn the tune
Joining Him in His song
Creating ripples of harmonics
Effecting the hearts of many

The song He created
In you
Glorifies Him
Play it with His strength
As you carry His tune