Can I Just Be?


Can I Just Be?

Can I just sit
In the uncomfortableness
Of who I am?

To just be
In weakness?

I find
I want to be more
And rescue myself
With gusto and power

Defending who I am
Stating I believe
I am more

Fighting to prove
I am worthy
Which then presents
Its own pressures
And expectations

Can I just be
In my weakness?

Submitting to His way in me
Allowing His tools
Situations and people
To change my thinking

He is what matters
Living life with a right perspective
Through His lens

I am worthy by His name
A child of God
As I have accepted His gift of Salvation
I am made in His Image
Meant to glorify Him

I don’t need to prove
I am worthy
I already am
By His hand

Can I just be

In my weakness?



Oh High and Mighty God
The One most true
I exalt You

I follow
Faithfully pursuing You
Diligent with my intent

Submitting to Your hand
It unveils who I am
As I struggle to stay
Under Your commands

Your provision is amazing
Delivering to those who believe
Why do I strive to receive

Your timing is perfect
Your lessons illumed
As I reflect
From Your perspective

Admitting my faults
Releasing the guilt within
Freeing my soul
For better things
To partake of Your ministry

Keep me secure
Away from the enemy
Allow me to see
The doorway out
As I am blinded
By his tout

Your magnificence shines
As I walk with You
Sheltered under Your wings
Your strength just breathtaking

Heart’s Desire


Lord Most High
I exalt You above all things

My heart’s desire
Is to be wholly devoted to You
Although the deceitfulness
Of my heart sometimes conceals
The true motivation of my responses
Therefore I am dependent on You
To reveal the idols of my heart

My heart’s desire
Is to follow You
Submitting to Your plan
Although my selfishness
Sometimes bleeds through
Controlling what it can
To satisfy its cravings
Your path is True
Help me to follow You

My heart’s desire
Is to look to You
For all my needs
Providing abundantly what is good for me
Although my pride
Sometimes demands independence
You are the Author of my story
Building my Faith
As You provide

Here I stand so incomplete
I confess my wanderings
My own defeats

I trust You
In the work in my heart
Deliver me from
What I cannot depart

The damages of sin
Rippling through my being
Permeating every feeling and emotion
Only You can transform me
From the inside out
Save me from myself

Lord I am grateful
For Your ways
Gently working
Molding the clay
You give me much Hope
To live for You another day

Our Heart’s Desires


God uses our heart’s desires
To mold who we are

The desires that catapult us
Forward without much thought

Forging ahead disregarding His plan
Battling forces beyond our means

We have a choice in how we respond
When our deepest desires feel unheard

To struggle in attempting our goal
Allowing emotions to overflow

At the loss of no fruition
Shattering dreams long yearned for

Becoming embittered asking Him
Why is it not delivered?

Or to submit to His decision
Not to give at this time

Grappling with redirecting my motive
Serving Him over me

Keeping my mind focused on my relationship
Alignment to Him most important

Discarding thoughts that pull me back
Changing my thought patterns

In His refraining
It changes who I am

Peace overcomes
His Joy filling that longing

My desire now
To have His desires

Rejoicing at His filling
His path bears so much more

God uses our heart’s desires
To mold who we are